Oliver’s Lizard

This week has been a shared prompt for adults and children for the 100 word challenge, and so in that spirit I have written a sequel to one of the children’s challenge pieces. You can find part one of the following story here – it would be lovely if you could read and leave her a comment. To see what the rest of the children have done with this prompt, why not visit their site and give them some encouragement by leaving comments for a few of them.

The lizard relaxed in the luxurious warmth of Oliver’s pocket. Feeling ecstatic to have escaped the claustrophobia-inducing confines of his glass tank, he explored his new surroundings.

Under his tummy was something hard and sticky and delicious smelling. Tentatively he flicked his forked tongue. Was that…strawberry? Yes! He’d seen children eating these things – they called them ‘sweets’. The lizard licked it again, savouring the sugary taste.

“I’m really going to enjoy being Oliver’s pet lizard,” he said to himself. “It wasn’t my fault the glass broke – but I’m glad it did.”

If only he’d known then the fate that awaited him at Oliver’s house.

The lovely Anna Halford has continued this story, so if you enjoyed this, please do go and read part 3.

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8 Responses to Oliver’s Lizard

  1. Love it! That lizard…could be starting something here. Now, what is it that’s waiting for him at Oliver’s? You know you will have to write that part!

  2. GoofyJ says:

    nice hook at the end! Poor little Lizard 🙂 Nicely written.

  3. Great sequel! And I am left on tenter-hooks! WHAT is going to happen at Oliver’s house?????

  4. Now someone absolutely has to continue. What is fated for this marvelous wizard?

  5. buddhafulkat says:

    A cliffhanger! Eagerly awaiting the next installment =)

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